Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What to do with all those eggs...

If your house is anything like mine this time of year, we have plastic eggs all over! I find them under beds, in drawers, on the floor, under the couch, pretty much everywhere I look. The kids can't get enough of them and I can't stand them. Here are a few useful and educational ways in which to put those eggs to use...after the egg hunt, of course.

Easter Egg Math
Label 6 or 12 plastic eggs with different math facts. Inside each egg place a paper slip that shows the answer. Also write each answer in one cup of a 6 or 12 cup egg carton. Store the plastic eggs in a basket. Have your child select an egg from the basket, read the fact, determine the answer, and set the egg in the corresponding cup of the egg carton. When all the eggs are sorted, he/she cracks open each one to check his work. You can modify this activity to meet your childs individual needs.

Letter and Number Matching
On one side of the plastic egg, write an uppercase letter and on the other side, write the corresponding lowercase letter. Mismatch the eggs by putting them together with different letters and place them in a basket. Have your child match the eggs correctly by taking the eggs apart and putting them back together with the uppercase and lowercase letters matching. You can also do this with number matching. On one side of the egg write a number and on the other side write the corresponding number of units. Mix them up and let your child put the eggs back together correctly. For my kids, I mixed up the number eggs and alphabet eggs altogether, to make it more challenging. Then they had to sort them and then match correctly.

Word Families
To review word families, on one side of the egg write various consonants. On the other side of the egg write a word family (i.e. op, at, et). Your child can practice reading the different words by turning the egg with the consonants on it. This is a great way for young readers to increase their fluency with all the different word families.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Nicole! Fabulous ideas. Love the new blog. :)